Friday, July 23, 2010

This post is not about herbicide.

I've got an idea I'd like to pitch to all 17 of my followers (as well as any lurkers who might be out there in the blogosphere reading Peas of my Heart anonymously, probably sitting in the dark while stroking a hairless cat. No? That's just in Bond movies? OK, if you say so).

I'm generally far too exhausted to type up an insightful post or a fun recipe on Fridays; besides which, it's summer and I've usually got an exciting, fulfilling weekend to start. (All right, so I'm just going to pour a glass of wine and binge on expensive cheese from Gateway Market. Don't judge; we all measure excitement differently.) Therefore, I'm starting a regular Friday feature rounding up articles, news, and thoughts from the week. To fit with the theme of my blog, I'll stick to the topic of food, drinks, and restaurants. 

I'll gladly take any suggestions on what to call this weekly feature. Weekly Bites? Friday Fun? News du Jour? All these sound terribly uncreative and, let's be frank, a touch pretentious. If you have a better suggestion for me, by all means leave it in the comments field!

In the meantime, it's time for my Weekly Roundup (nope, that sounds like an herbicide) of Tasty Tidbits (again, no, that one sounds like a snack food containing beef jerky) on food, drink, and general kitchenfoolery.

Ready? Set? Go!

If I had the counter space, I would be making this DIY wine rack from @designsponge ASAP. Friends and family, don't be surprised if one of these is waiting for you under the Christmas tree a few short months from now.

Are you a Top Chef fan? (If so, do you hate Angelo as much as Charlie does? I kind of like him, in the same way I liked Stefan two seasons ago even though he was kind of a jerk.)  Anyway. If you watch Top Chef you've got to check out the weekly recaps and power rankings at Please Pack Your Knives and Go. So, so funny. You're welcome.

Another DIY project I'm dying to try: this adorable cupcake stand featured on the ReadyMade blog. If you see me hoarding plates in a thrift store, you'll know what I'm up to.

On Twitter? Follow @SmashburgerGDM if you're in the Des Moines area. Charlie and I got to test Smashburger's new menu items last week for free (sweet potato fries, fried pickes, yum) because they put out a call for volunteers on Twitter. Did I mention free?

Gourmet, the wonderful food magazine that was sadly shuttered last year, will have a new life as an iPad app. Hooray! Now all I need is... well... an iPad.

I harbor a shameful addiction to Starbucks, but I don't really drink wine or beer all that often (cue hysterical laughter in the background). OK, so I do. Wine and beer are two of the newest menu items being tested for Starbucks stores. If they only served expensive cheese, I might be able to feed all my weaknesses in one place!

That's all for now - I have expensive cheese to eat, wine to drink, and a trip to Okoboji in my very near future. Happy weekend, everyone!


  1. Hmmm, no ideas, just love to read!

  2. Hmmm what about Friday Follies? I'll keep brainstorming!

  3. How about "Friday Offal Links." You'd introduce each post with, "Here is your weekly serving of offal, the scraps and leftovers of the best food, drink, and kitchen links of the week."
